Your Companion from the very beginning
We are on fire for your success

Project Support

Enjoy the good feeling when your project is in competent hands. Be pleased if the phone rings and your personal contact informs you about the current order status. Proactively, you will be provided with profitable ideas free of charge. In short: With our project team, you have people at your side who think the decisive step ahead and lead your project safely to success.

Project Support BAG Health Care
groundbreaking. personal. to the point.

The best partner by your side

This already starts with your first enquiry. Here are our top 5 for your feel-good factor:

Your personal companion

Within 24 hours, your personal contact will get in touch with you and clarify your individual needs.

Your concrete reply

Within 72 hours you will receive reliable statements regarding feasibility, requirements, costs and timelines.

Your individualised approach

We provide a detailed offer, in which all requirements are taken into account — even those you may not (yet) have thought of. And all of that within five working days.

A firm eye on your timeline

No later than two months after all relevant points have been clarified,we will guarantee a fixed production slot for your project. Realistically calculated deadlines you can rely on.

Your project in best hands

Thanks to our well-engineered project management, we produce and deliver your desired batch with an OTIF effectiveness of >95%.

You want your project to be a success?
Talk to us!

With us you will have a reliable partner alongside from the very beginning. We will accompany you or, if you wish, even lead the way. Always with one objective in mind: Lead your project to success.

We can do this

For us, leading to success is more than a slogan

Expertise that inspires

Thanks to interdisciplinary project teams, we always have the "big picture" in view and the relevant expert at our fingertips.

For your project, we use comprehensible best practices and procedures in project management. In this way, we keep project lead times as short as possible.

We are measured by your project


BAG Health Care GmbH
Amtsgerichtsstrasse 1-5
35423 Lich

LEADING TO SUCCESS - we provide more than the exact quantities, in the best quality, exactly at the agreed time.

BAG Health Care GmbH
is a company of


BAG Health Care GmbH
Amtsgerichtsstrasse 1-5
35423 Lich

LEADING TO SUCCESS - we provide more than the exact quantities, in the best quality, exactly at the agreed time.

BAG Health Care GmbH
is a company of

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