flexible. just in time. with heart and soul.

Your fill & finish partner

For your pharmaceutical contract manufacturing - the filling and freeze-drying of parenterals - we set everything in motion.

Whether vials or ampoules, we take care of the sterile filling of your pharmaceutical products right from the start! We process aqueous as well as alcoholic solutions in batch sizes from clinical quantities up to 200 l for commercial purposes.

In our certified facilities, you can have vials filled from 2R to 50H format as well as 1 to 5 ml ampoules. Thanks to sophisticated processes and over 40 years of experience, we also make the production of special formats possible for you - and all "Made in Germany".

pharmaceutical contract manufacturing fill and finish partner

Professionalism in its purest form - our production workflow

You can expect only the best quality from us. The formulation of bulk products takes place in a grade C cleanroom environment. We then transfer the solution to a grade A clean room for sterile filtration and sterile filling. Pre-production (washing, depyrogenation of vials/ampules, material preparation, etc.) and post-production (cleaning, etc.) are carried out in grade C and D environments.

All components in contact with the product are either disposable or product-specific. This enables us to process a wide range of different compounds for you.

Of course, all premises and equipment as well as the production sequence are regularly re-qualified according to GMP.


BAG Health Care GmbH
Amtsgerichtsstrasse 1-5
35423 Lich

LEADING TO SUCCESS - we provide more than the exact quantities, in the best quality, exactly at the agreed time.

BAG Health Care GmbH
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